Lottery websites and why can’t you just open them?

Lottery tips

This is the short story about possible reasons, why one can’t open particular lottery website. This happens a lot and if you are lotto beginner, you may find it quite frustrating. I know I did. I am neither reinventing wheel here nor discovering Americas once again. My goal here is to provide you with some simple tips and info regarding problems with some websites. 

Why they don’t work?

Let’s begin with reasons why some websites just won’t work. The first one being the simplest at the same time – the quality of particular websites and programming behind them. Some online lotteries and lotto agents are simply written non-professionally and in most cases there is nothing you can’t do about that. Never ending loading circles, bugs pop-ups or even crashed browsers are the indication that a website isn’t worth your time. 

Nevertheless such signs show up even if the website is good in general, but for some reasons it was taken offline by its operators. Such was the case with UK National Lottery when its site and mobile app was taken down probably for maintenance issues. So as you see it happens even to the very best. 

Now let’s take under the hood of the most interesting reasons why lotto websites won’t open – the legal issues. 

It all depends on the place from where you try to access the website and play some lotto. The first category of these legal issues are regulations of country of your current residence. If its gamblings laws are strict, some websites are just officially banned, thus resulting in government pop-ups telling you that online gambling is illegal. 

In other cases this ban on online gambling may seem as if the website you are trying to access is crashed or sth. This legal restrictions seem a bit unfair, since simple fact of checking out the website doesn’t make you gamble online. 

Legal restrictions may also originate from the country where particular lottery or lotto provider is registered. For example some lotto agents let you check out the website but then you get informed that you can’t play there, since the place of your current residence isn’t a part of legal agreement under which the lotto agent operates. 

What can you do? 

Honestly, there is only one simple and somewhat free way to go around these legal issues (apart from actually visiting another country) and unfortunately it isn’t turning the private mode on. 

You have to use a VPN, which is a software that – too make long story short – makes your Internet connection seem to take place in another country, which solves the online accessibility problem. I would recommend Windscribe as you may use it for free basically and it covers all your online lotto problems.

When it comes to bugs and such, you may try clearing your cache and cookies, but it helps only in a few cases.

And that’s it, all the basics regarding issues with accessing lottery websites are covered here. If you have any questions, leave a comment.  

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